Postpartum Necessities- Boost Your Confidence/ Sanity
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List of Postpartum Necessities (at least the ones that are essential to your confidence and sanity):
Let’s talk postpartum necessities. Now you probably know the basics. You know, things like Tuck’s wipes & postpartum undies. So I’m going to spare you most of the basics in this particular list.
Listen, postpartum can be a crazy time. Whether you are a first time mom or a mom for the 18th time- it doesn’t matter. After giving birth, all mamas have to navigate managing life with a new (amazing) little addition to the family while simultaneously battling all of those crazy (and I mean CRAZY) postpartum hormones and all that comes with it. The newborn stage is so incredible and I don’t want mamas-to-be out there to start feeling anxious. However, as sweet as it is, there’s a lot to get used to. Body changes, less sleep, hormones going nuts, breastfeeding- you name it. So here is a list of some postpartum necessities that I personally found incredibly useful. These items helped keep my mind feeling sane and my attitude happy.
So, here’s what I bought and WHY…
Boosting Your Confidence Postpartum
Postpartum Jeans:
(Also leggings obviously because I basically live in those)

Listen gals, finding a great pair of these was worth every penny. Every single one! Jeans made specifically for postpartum have the extended belly (similar to maternity jeans) except that extended fabric has compression! Yes ladies- compression! That’s what I was missing the first time around after having my son, Jackson. I never knew I needed these jeans until I put on a pair. The compression felt so insanely good on my belly (especially after the c-section). I couldn’t wear regular jeans for quite some time. I couldn’t handle the waist resting on my incision. These jeans gave me comfort and way more confidence! Go get ’em!
Cute New Tops (click here):
Yep, treat yourself to some new tops. In your last few weeks of pregnancy, buy a few tops that you will look forward to wearing. After having my son, I still had a pregnant-looking belly after I gave birth (obviously though- we all do afterwards). However, it took awhile for it to not look like I was still 4/5 months pregnant. It left me feeling unhappy about getting dressed to go out or have visitors over. I had no idea what to wear. I didn’t want to wear my maternity clothes (although they pretty much still fit).
On the other hand, I couldn’t wear a lot of my pre-pregnancy tops because they were now too tight. I had a little bit of a rough patch trying to find my confidence the first time around. Second time around- I prepared! I hopped on Amazon and found a few really cute tops that I knew would be flattering. After I had my Hannah girl I was so excited to have some really cute & stylish tops to wear. It made me feel GREAT. My head-space was infinitely better than my first journey postpartum.
Please ladies!!! For the love of God, you carried this child for 40 weeks. You deserve some brand new tops to look forward to wearing after you give birth!
Robe & Nightgown Sets (click here):
Oh yeah, robe & nightgown sets are where it’s at in regards to postpartum necessities! Wearing these sets made me feel cute and it was easy breezy lemon squeezy for breastfeeding. You don’t need to buy ones specifically created for breastfeeding. Just buy spaghetti strap style nightgowns and when it comes time to breastfeed… pull the fabric down. BAM- easy!
Also, having the soft flow of a nightgown really made my c-section area way more comfortable. I couldn’t stand anything rubbing against my incision for quite some time.
*Button-up gowns are great too because all you have to do to breastfeed is simply unbutton!*
A haircut:

A what? A haircut? Yes. A fresh style or even just a trim can help to make anybody feel confident again. I got one a few weeks after my daughter was born. Yeah, yeah, it is hard to fit in a haircut while breastfeeding on demand but make it happen mamas! Afterward I felt…refreshed! Even if you don’t want to go for a haircut, pamper yourself in some way. Maybe get a manicure? Pedicure? Massage? Go shopping for an hour? Do something that is all about you- whatever will make you feel refreshed.
Postpartum Necessities for Breastfeeding Ease
Multiple Nursing Bras (click here):
This pack of nursing bras is so cheap and a definite can’t-beat type of purchase! Trust me, I can’t begin to tell you how much wear and tear your bras will get while breastfeeding. I wore a bra all day and at night to bed because, well- leakage! These bras have no underwire and have very little padding (which can be removed.) This bra provides adequate support and has a wider back band as well. This trio is an absolute postpartum necessity- at least for me!
Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags (click here):
These bad boys are easy to use, easy to store, and simpler to bring around on-the-go. The bags are disposable, space-efficient, and you can write right on them. The Lansinoh bags also have two rows of the plastic zipper instead of one. I previously had bags with just a one row closure and the milk leaked out. You DON’T want to waste your liquid gold!
Furthermore, I have tried the plastic bottles for storing. I personally found that my milk went bad faster. I also found that the bottles were harder for storing purposes. They take up significantly more room in the fridge or freezer. Trying to sterilize the plastic bottles was also a pain in the neck. It was something I just didn’t want to add to my list of one million things to do.
Lansinoh Stay Dry Disposable Nursing Pads (click here):
I have tried the washable nursing pads and let’s just say they definitely weren’t for me. They don’t dry nicely and they look lumpy afterwards (ya, no thanks.) I have also played around with different thicknesses of nursing pads. Some were way too thin and others were way too thick or would look bulky in my bra. These Lansinoh Stay Dry pads were perfect.
My Brest Friend Original Nursing Posture Pillow (click here):
This nursing pillow is AMAZING! It’s more elevated than a standard nursing pillow- which means HELLO no back or neck pain when breastfeeding. This pillow also straps around your back. This feature is great because it keeps the pillow from sliding or moving while switching the baby to different sides. The extra cushion back support is also oh so luxurious. Oh and let’s not forget the handy dandy water bottle holder. Can they make it any easier to breastfeed? Not unless this pillow does the actual breastfeeding for you (which is impossible- sorry gals.) So yeah, this pillow absolutely ranks high on my postpartum necessitates list.
Boob Ease Organic Nipple Balm (click here):
Trust me, you’ll thank me later. Breastfeeding can hurt and this helps ease the soreness. Put a little on after you breastfeed. I love this brand because it’s organic and I also love the texture. It is almost like a Vaseline texture- if that floats your boat.
Obtaining Calmness & Sanity Postpartum
Real quick… I was/am neurotic when it comes to my kids’ safety, especially at sleep time. The items below simply helped with my own peace of mind. These items are always on my top 3 things I recommend to any moms/parents out there.
Boppy Newborn Lounger (click here):
Okay, this one isn’t technically for you BUT it is for your sanity. So it definitely deserves a spot on my postpartum necessities list!
I can’t tell you how much my babies used this when they were newborns. It’s a safe place for my baby to lay and also be right near me. I would read them books, sing songs, clap their hands, give them kisses, and watch them sleep. It was so wonderful and helpful to have.
Supervision obviously required and not recommended when they get to rolling-age.
Owlet Smart Sock Baby Monitor (click here):
(Definitely read this if you are debating whether to get this- it will help you decide!)
If you are anything like me, I didn’t sleep for the first 4-5 months after my Jackson was born. Of course I slept (technically) but I was up so insanely often checking on him. My anxiety completely took over to the point where I absolutely hated night-time. I thought being a “more seasoned mom” would give me the confidence to sleep at night. Yeah, that was not the case. Once I had my daughter, I was once again a wreck. By night two in the hospital I had already ordered the Owlet from Amazon. The owlet gave me my sanity back! Now I rest assured knowing that the Owlet is monitoring everything for me because it tracks the baby’s heartbeat and oxygen levels.
“The Owlet gave me my sanity back.”
Let’s talk about those Owlet false alarms…
You may have heard about “false alarms” if you read some Owlet reviews online. Here’s the thing…it can give off alarms but the alarms are color coded in red, yellow, or blue. Quick breakdown:
- The red alarm alerts you if oxygen levels are too low or the heartbeat is too low/high. The red alarm sounds blaring and crazy.
- The blue alerts you that the base station is not connected to WiFi (if you have a bad signal).
- The yellow alerts you when the sock is not sitting properly on the foot (meaning you put it on wrong).
- The blue and yellow alarms are the sound of a lullaby song. VERY different sounding from the red alarm.
In conclusion folks, my daughter Hannah has been wearing the sock every night for the past year. Only once (recently) did we hear the red alarm. I am not sure if it was a so-called “false alarm” or what the situation actually was. Please note, she was also getting sick and her breathing was funny and this could have affected it. Other than that one occasion it thankfully never happened again. Sure we get the blue or yellow alarm occasionally but overall the Owlet gave me my sleep and sanity back. I highly recommend it!
Swaddle Me Sleep Sacks (click here):
I highly recommend these for the same reason I recommend the Owlet- peace of mind! We tried using swaddle blankets but occasionally I would wake up and see that the blanket had come loose. So terrifying! I couldn’t sleep because I was constantly checking if the blanket was still on properly. These sleep sacks do it for you. There is no worrying if it will come loose because you use the fastener straps to keep it in place. These are just so necessary for my sanity.
I hope you found this postpartum necessities list helpful! Leave a comment below letting me know the things you consider must-haves!
Happy postpartum journeys!

A Little About Me
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